Denver Back Injury Treatment

Back injury takes many forms and back injury treatment varies greatly based on the severity, type and location of the injury. As a Denver back injury treatment facility we try to focus primarily on the conditions that don’t require invasive surgery. Surgery is normally a last result reserved for degenerative or herniated discs. The decision for back pain surgery should only be made after all available non-surgical avenues have been explored.

Our full service chiropractic facility specializes in helping many patients with sports injuries or injuries due to improper lifting, stress, poor posture, etc. The multiple small muscles and ligaments in your back comprise a vast framework that supports the spinal cord and allows for dynamic movements and flexibility. Chronic poor posture associated with sitting at a desk, stress or poor form in lifting can lead to a strain or a lack of blood supply to these muscles due to chronic muscle tension or spasm. As the muscles tighten, they restrict blood flow, which increases tension, which restricts blood flow more—a vicious cycle that only proper back injury treatment can correct.

Before we can treat back pain we need to diagnose what is causing your pain. This typically involves a series of tests to determine your range of motion, nerve functions and pressing on the back to locate the areas of discomfort. Sometimes we may recommend an X-ray or MRI if we detect a very serious condition. More often than not we find that we can do back injury treatment through a variety of different non-invasive methods.

Back Injury Treatments
Our Denver back injury treatment facility focuses on pain relief and restored movement. For minor strains or injuries it may simply involve modifying your current activities, ice packs to relieve swelling, anti-inflammatory drugs such as Tylenol, exercise followed up with heat to soothe muscles and increase blood flow.

Unless directed—bed rest is not normally recommended. It may slow the recovery process and even cause new issues. However, a medium-firm mattress has been shown to be helpful in the treatment of chronic back pain.

In most cases, non-strenuous activity (such as walking) is recommended within 24 hours to 72 hours. After that, controlled exercise or physical therapy may be helpful. Physical therapy treatments may employ massage, aquatic therapy, stress management, electronic stimulation, ultrasound, acupuncture, whirlpool baths, cryotherapy, controlled application of heat, and individually tailored exercise programs to help you regain full use of the back. Strengthening exercises for both the abdominal and back muscles help stabilize the spine. You can help prevent further back injury by learning—and doing—gentle stretching exercises, using proper lifting techniques, and maintaining good posture. Each treatment plan is based upon the individual needs of the patient.

Chiropractors have a primary role in back pain treatment. We have been trained in how the back works and proper back injury treatments. The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality recognizes spinal manipulation by chiropractors as effective for acute low-back pain. Some researchers suggest that early chiropractic adjustments for acute back pain may help prevent chronic problems from developing.

The key is to gently relieve the pain, provide proper exercises to strengthen the muscles and provide proper techniques to prevent reoccurrence. Give us a call at 720-974-0392 to set up an appointment and start your back injury treatment today.